CEO & Co-founder, Remotehour
Products Made
Made With
Fundraising Hours
Remotely connecting founders with committed investors
Remotehour Paid Call
Receive calls, get paid
Lonely Together
A call-first community for remote workers to connect
10x more seamless than Zoom
Remotehour 2.0
On-demand one-click office hours
Remotehour Embed
‘Zoom’ embedded on your website
Comakers Match
Collaborate with makers and build products together
Heuristic Alert
A Slack channel for monitoring on Twitter
Highprofile Alert
Notify you when people you want to meet come to your city
Share what's currently playing on Spotify to Slack channel
A twitter-based reference platform
Seat Surfing
Nomadic community where you can find buddies to work with
Reserve a seat at cafe & office from people there